How To Attach the Osto-EZ-Vent®

PREP: Attach OEV® nearest the top of the outside of the non-stoma side of the pouch. If the pouch has a fabric or mesh cover/comfort layer, cut a hole in that lower to expose the plastic pouch wall below. Do not attach the OEV® on top of a filer (if applicable). Store unused OEV® at 72° F (24° C).
1.) Moisten cotton pad with 91% isopropyl alcohol. Rub plastic pouch wall until the gloss of the pouch surface is removed. Let dry.
2.) Peel away the green/white backing from the OEV® to reveal adhesive. Do not touch the adhesive.
3.) Place the OEV® horizontally on the cleaned area. Press firmly around the circular base of the OEV® as shown at left. Set aside for 24 hours to allow adhesive to securely bond to your pouch.
4.) Pull down the side of the pouch where the OEV® is attached so the adhesive side of the OEV® is opposite the stoma opening of your pouch (for one-piece pouches, cut your stoma opening first).
5.) With the narrow end of scissors, puncture pouch wall behind the OEV®. Twist the blade back and forth to remove excess pouch material. The hole should be the size of the OEV® opening.
6.) With the hole created, flatten pouch to its original position and close the OEV® as shown at left.
7.) To open the OEV®, pinch DOWN on the OEV® Glides (tabs). The Glides will push against the circular base of the OEV® to lift the plug up and put.